Digital signage is everywhere in the retail space.  It helps retail business tailor the advertising to the consumer or update specials in real-time, effectively increasing sales because of this.  So why not take this retail concept into the corporate sector?  Think about it, by displaying real-time statistics about your organization you will be building both a well informed and competitive environment for your employees.  While monthly, or even weekly, meetings regarding the state of the company or individual performance are helpful, think about how much more helpful this would be in real-time.  A knowledgeable workforce is a more productive workforce.

Data is constantly being collected by both your applications and phone system but, is not always visible to your employees and business leaders in a usable format. Layered Wallboard is a solution that provides an application to effectively display this data to TV’s, helping to keep your employees working at the speed of the business world.

Since our solution is written in-house it is fully customizable, giving us the ability to interface with your systems pulling the data that’s important to your organization. Our solution consists of 3 pieces including: Wallboard display application to rotate/refresh data on TV’s, Administration utility to change content for TV’s and custom templates that can be written to display application data as needed.

If you think these applications could benefit your organization, contact us via web, email, or phone 800-557-0663 and we can develop a solution to meet your needs.